本文分析的代码版本为Android 5.0
一 使用资源id加载加载图片流程
1 与Context相关的步骤
@Override public Resources getResources() { return getResourcesInternal(); } private Resources getResourcesInternal() { if (mResources == null) { if (mOverrideConfiguration == null) { mResources = super.getResources(); } else { final Context resContext = createConfigurationContext(mOverrideConfiguration); mResources = resContext.getResources(); } } return mResources; }
只分析mOverrideConfiguration==null条件下如何获取resource。super.getResources()调用的是ContextWrapper的方法,而ContextWrapper调用的是mBase.getResources()。mBase是ContextImpl实例,在Activity被ActivityThread创建时,通过Activity的attach()方法赋值给Activity的。Activity和ContextImpl的创建和赋值过程这里就不分析了。 ContextImpl的getResources()方法:
@Override public Resources getResources() { return mResources; }
private ContextImpl(ContextImpl container, ActivityThread mainThread, LoadedApk packageInfo, IBinder activityToken, UserHandle user, int flags, Display display, Configuration overrideConfiguration, int createDisplayWithId) { …//省略部分无关代码 mMainThread = mainThread; mActivityToken = activityToken; mFlags = flags; if (user == null) { user = Process.myUserHandle(); } mUser = user; mPackageInfo = packageInfo; mResourcesManager = ResourcesManager.getInstance(); final int displayId = (createDisplayWithId != Display.INVALID_DISPLAY) ? createDisplayWithId : (display != null) ? display.getDisplayId() : Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY; CompatibilityInfo compatInfo = null; if (container != null) { compatInfo = container.getDisplayAdjustments(displayId).getCompatibilityInfo(); } if (compatInfo == null) { compatInfo = (displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) ? packageInfo.getCompatibilityInfo() : CompatibilityInfo.DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO; } //创建 Resources resources = packageInfo.getResources(mainThread); if (resources != null) { if (displayId != Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY || overrideConfiguration != null || (compatInfo != null && compatInfo.applicationScale != resources.getCompatibilityInfo().applicationScale)) { if (container != null) { // This is a nested Context, so it can't be a base Activity context. // Just create a regular Resources object associated with the Activity. resources = mResourcesManager.getResources( activityToken, packageInfo.getResDir(), packageInfo.getSplitResDirs(), packageInfo.getOverlayDirs(), packageInfo.getApplicationInfo().sharedLibraryFiles, displayId, overrideConfiguration, compatInfo, packageInfo.getClassLoader()); } else { // This is not a nested Context, so it must be the root Activity context. // All other nested Contexts will inherit the configuration set here. //创建Activity的Context时的赋值流程 resources = mResourcesManager.createBaseActivityResources( activityToken, packageInfo.getResDir(), packageInfo.getSplitResDirs(), packageInfo.getOverlayDirs(), packageInfo.getApplicationInfo().sharedLibraryFiles, displayId, overrideConfiguration, compatInfo, packageInfo.getClassLoader()); } } } mResources = resources; …//省略部分无关代码 }
2 Resources和ResourcesImpl中的步骤
public Drawable getDrawable(@DrawableRes int id, @Nullable Theme theme) throws NotFoundException { //获取TypedValue,这个对象很重要,获取图片流时会用到 final TypedValue value = obtainTempTypedValue(); try { final ResourcesImpl impl = mResourcesImpl; //根据资源id获取信息,并对value赋值 //这一步很重要,赋值后,就获取到对应资源的基本信息了。 impl.getValue(id, value, true); return impl.loadDrawable(this, value, id, theme, true); } finally { releaseTempTypedValue(value); } }
void getValue(@AnyRes int id, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs) throws NotFoundException { //使用AssetManager的native方法根据id和当前屏幕信息对value赋值 boolean found = mAssets.getResourceValue(id, 0, outValue, resolveRefs); if (found) { return; } throw new NotFoundException("Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)); } @Nullable Drawable loadDrawable(Resources wrapper, TypedValue value, int id, Resources.Theme theme, boolean useCache) throws NotFoundException { try { ...//省略无关代码 final boolean isColorDrawable; final DrawableCache caches; final long key; if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT && value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) { //使用color的xml相关的Drawable isColorDrawable = true; caches = mColorDrawableCache; key = value.data; } else { //非color的 isColorDrawable = false; caches = mDrawableCache; key = (((long) value.assetCookie) << 32) | value.data; } // First, check whether we have a cached version of this drawable // that was inflated against the specified theme. Skip the cache if // we're currently preloading or we're not using the cache. //缓存获取 if (!mPreloading && useCache) { final Drawable cachedDrawable = caches.getInstance(key, wrapper, theme); if (cachedDrawable != null) { return cachedDrawable; } } // Next, check preloaded drawables. Preloaded drawables may contain // unresolved theme attributes. final Drawable.ConstantState cs; //从预先加载的缓存回去 if (isColorDrawable) { cs = sPreloadedColorDrawables.get(key); } else { cs = sPreloadedDrawables[mConfiguration.getLayoutDirection()].get(key); } Drawable dr; if (cs != null) { dr = cs.newDrawable(wrapper); } else if (isColorDrawable) { dr = new ColorDrawable(value.data); } else { //******* 执行根据资源id加载图片 ******* dr = loadDrawableForCookie(wrapper, value, id, null); } // Determine if the drawable has unresolved theme attributes. If it // does, we'll need to apply a theme and store it in a theme-specific // cache. final boolean canApplyTheme = dr != null && dr.canApplyTheme(); if (canApplyTheme && theme != null) { dr = dr.mutate(); dr.applyTheme(theme); dr.clearMutated(); } // If we were able to obtain a drawable, store it in the appropriate // cache: preload, not themed, null theme, or theme-specific. Don't // pollute the cache with drawables loaded from a foreign density. //缓存效果信息和资源 if (dr != null && useCache) { dr.setChangingConfigurations(value.changingConfigurations); cacheDrawable(value, isColorDrawable, caches, theme, canApplyTheme, key, dr); } return dr; } catch (Exception e) { String name; try { name = getResourceName(id); } catch (NotFoundException e2) { name = "(missing name)"; } // The target drawable might fail to load for any number of // reasons, but we always want to include the resource name. // Since the client already expects this method to throw a // NotFoundException, just throw one of those. final NotFoundException nfe = new NotFoundException("Drawable " + name + " with resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id), e); nfe.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]); throw nfe; } }
private Drawable loadDrawableForCookie(Resources wrapper, TypedValue value, int id, Resources.Theme theme) { if (value.string == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Resource \"" + getResourceName(id) + "\" (" + Integer.toHexString(id) + ") is not a Drawable (color or path): " + value); } //**** 重点信息:文件路径信息(是指存储在resources.arsc资源块中的文件路径,非目录信息)**** final String file = value.string.toString(); ...//省略无关日志信息 final Drawable dr; Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES, file); try { if (file.endsWith(".xml")) {//获取xml类型的Drawable final XmlResourceParser rp = loadXmlResourceParser( file, id, value.assetCookie, "drawable"); dr = Drawable.createFromXml(wrapper, rp, theme); rp.close(); } else { //******* 开始加载图片 ******* //使用AssetManger的native方法获取图片资源的流 final InputStream is = mAssets.openNonAsset( value.assetCookie, file, AssetManager.ACCESS_STREAMING); //使用Drawable的静态方法构建 dr = Drawable.createFromResourceStream(wrapper, value, is, file, null); is.close(); //******* 加载图片结束 ******* } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES); final NotFoundException rnf = new NotFoundException( "File " + file + " from drawable resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)); rnf.initCause(e); throw rnf; } Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES); return dr; }
3 Drawable和Bitmap生成步骤
public static Drawable createFromResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value, InputStream is, String srcName, BitmapFactory.Options opts) { if (is == null) { return null; } /* ugh. The decodeStream contract is that we have already allocated the pad rect, but if the bitmap does not had a ninepatch chunk, then the pad will be ignored. If we could change this to lazily alloc/assign the rect, we could avoid the GC churn of making new Rects only to drop them on the floor. */ Rect pad = new Rect(); // Special stuff for compatibility mode: if the target density is not // the same as the display density, but the resource -is- the same as // the display density, then don't scale it down to the target density. // This allows us to load the system's density-correct resources into // an application in compatibility mode, without scaling those down // to the compatibility density only to have them scaled back up when // drawn to the screen. if (opts == null) opts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); //设置当前屏幕的信息(160,240,320,480或640等等) //这些信息会决定生成bitmap的宽高 opts.inScreenDensity = Drawable.resolveDensity(res, 0); //由于没有设置config,所以会默认采用Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888。 //即在内存中一个像素使用4个字节来存储 Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, pad, opts); if (bm != null) { byte[] np = bm.getNinePatchChunk(); if (np == null || !NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk(np)) { np = null; pad = null; } final Rect opticalInsets = new Rect(); bm.getOpticalInsets(opticalInsets); return drawableFromBitmap(res, bm, np, pad, opticalInsets, srcName); } return null; }
二 图片在不同drawable/mipmap目录与生成Bitmap大小的关系
从上一节的流程分析,可以清楚的知道通过使用Resource,TypedValue,AssetManager和BitmapFactory,我们也可以像应用框架一样根据id加载图片并控制生成的图片大小。 那么就敲代码验证。 布局文件
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_bitmap_test); testLoadBitmap(R.mipmap.ic_launcher); } public void testLoadBitmap(int resId) { try { //资源名称 String name = getResources().getResourceName(resId); TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); //对value赋值 getResources().getValue(resId, value, true); //资源路径 String fs = value.string.toString(); //Bitmap配置信息 BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inScreenDensity = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; //获取资源信息 AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openNonAssetFd(value.assetCookie, fs); //生产Bitmap Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(getResources(), value, afd.createInputStream(), new Rect(), options); //日志信息 StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(); info.append(" name: ").append(name).append(" \n"); info.append(" file info: ").append(fs).append("\n"); info.append(" AssetFileDescriptor: ").append(afd.toString()).append("\n"); info.append(" byteCount: ").append(bm.getByteCount()).append(" \n"); info.append(" width = ").append(bm.getWidth()).append(", height = ").append(bm.getWidth()).append(" \n"); info.append(" bm density = ").append(bm.getDensity()).append(" \n"); info.append(" screenDensity = ").append(options.inScreenDensity).append(" \n"); info.append(" config = ").append(bm.getConfig().toString()); Log.i("Test", info.toString()); bm.recycle(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.iv); //用断点查看drawable中的bitmap信息 iv.setContentDescription(""); }
目录 | mipmap-mdpi | mipmap-hdpi | mipmap-xhdpi | mipmap-xxhdpi | mipmap-xxxhdpi |
大小(byte) | 2206 | 3418 | 4842 | 7718 | 10486 |
1 测试一
name: org.md.train:mipmap/ic_launcher file info: res/mipmap-xxhdpi-v4/ic_launcher.pngAssetFileDescriptor: {AssetFileDescriptor: {ParcelFileDescriptor: FileDescriptor[50]} start=26984 len=7007}byteCount: 82944 width = 144, height = 144 bm density = 480 screenDensity = 480 config = ARGB_8888
使用代码加载的Bitmap与布局ImageView获取的字节数,宽高和density都一致,说明代码逻辑正确。 bitmap的字节数为什么比原图片文件大很多?现在我们来计算一下。 计算格式: byteCount = width * height * 4; 因为生成bitmap时,使用默认的Config,即Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,所以为乘4。如果使用Bitmap.Config.ARGB_565,采用2个字节存储一个像素,则为乘2。 144 * 144* 4 = 82944,刚好为所显示的字节数。
2 测试二
将mipmap-xhdpi目录的尺寸为96 * 96的ic_launcher.png复制一份,重命名为aaa.png,放入mipmap-hdpi目录。修改布局文件中ImageView的src值为aaa,使用testLoadBitmap方法加载该图片。 结果日志信息
name: org.md.train:mipmap/aaafile info: res/mipmap-hdpi-v4/aaa.pngAssetFileDescriptor: {AssetFileDescriptor: {ParcelFileDescriptor: FileDescriptor[50]} start=220860 len=4366}byteCount: 147456width = 192, height = 192bm density = 480screenDensity = 480config = ARGB_8888
目录 | mipmap-mdpi | mipmap-hdpi | mipmap-xhdpi | mipmap-xxhdpi | mipmap-xxxhdpi |
screenDensity | 160 | 240 | 320 | 480 | 640 |
aaa.png在480的手机上显示的真实宽度:96 * 480 / 240 = 192;显示的高度也是同比例放大。为什么是240,而不是320?因为aaa.png图片存放在mipmap-hdpi。如果存放在mipmap-xhdpi,则aaa.png在测试手机上显示的宽度为96 * 480 / 320 = 144。
3 测试三
依照以下测试条件,从当前的mipmap目录复制一份ic_launcher.png,重命名为abc.png。 (注:Y为有abc.png,N为无)
组 | mipmap-mdpi | mipmap-hdpi | mipmap-xhdpi | mipmap-xxhdpi | mipmap-xxxhdpi | 当前图片来源 |
第一组 | Y | N | N | N | Y | mipmap-xxxhdpi |
第二组 | Y | Y | N | N | N | mipmap-hdpi |
第三组 | Y | Y | Y | N | N | mipmap-xhdpi |
第四组 | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | mipmap-xxxhdpi |
三 如何存放图片和优化加载
由以上的代码分析和测试结果,切图一定要放到匹配的目录。一般从1280 * 720的设计图切取的图片要放到mipmap-xhdpi目录。如果放入到低分辨率的目录,则在1280 * 720尺寸或更高的手机上时,由于需要放大,则加载图片所需的内存暴增。而放入到高分辨率的目录,则会导致在1280 * 720尺寸或更低的手机显示很模糊或很小,因为图片被缩放。 如果是代码加载图片,且图片没有透明色(即alpha通道),则最好将BitmapFactory.Options的config设置为Bitmap.Config.ARGB_565。如果是加载很大尺寸的图片,最好先只获取图片的宽高,然后按显示需要的尺寸进行缩放获取bitmap。